Inclusive Smart City
What is a Smart City? How does is it improve the well-being of its inhabitants? We often hear that data is a the heart of a Smart City but how does it work exactly?
You will discover that Smart City revolves around other fascinating topics such as: accesssiblity, mobility, Tech for Good, inclusive city…
Let’s get inspired to build a more accessible and connected city of tomorrow!
latest posts
Brisbane: A City for Everyone
Currently in Australia, it has been estimated that approximately 357,000 people are either blind or experience some form of vision impairment. This number has been projected to increase to 564,000 by 2030. Taking into consideration these statistics, how can the City of Brisbane improve street navigation of people living with some form of visual limitation?
Have You Ever Heard About Visible Light Positioning? Tomas Escuin’s from i2CAT Offers His Insights
What is Visible Light Positioning? And how can it benefit the lives of disabled people? Inclusive City Maker gives voice to Tomas Escuin in charge of the project development at local and international level.
Smart City Expo: A Flagship Event Moving ‘Towards Inclusivity’
The city of Barcelona is about to host the 9th edition of the Smart City’s flagship international event: the Smart City Expo World Congress.
MaaS: A Solution for Tomorrow’s Mobility
Emerging digital alternatives such as MaaS offer an innovative mobility experience for smart cities of the future. Focus on the trip planner of tomorrow.
Disability as an Innovation Driver for the Smart City
Let’s explore initiatives from around the world that showcase new accessibility technologies. Here are some projects that caught our attention.
Vision Zero: A Revolutionary Approach to Road Safety
Road deaths and serious injuries are unacceptable. Dozens of cities in the World are committing to eliminating all road hazards. What is the secret to their success?
more articles

8 Clichés on Accessibility for Blind and Visually Impaired People
8 Clichés on Accessibility for Blind and Visually Impaired People What do people with a visual impairment need? Why are accessibility regulations so strict regarding visual and tactile contrasts, fall prevention and signage? You’ll discover in this article a few...

How to Foster Inclusive Mobility at Public Transit?
How to Foster Inclusive Mobility at Public Transit?Vous avez probablement entendu parler de mobilité inclusive, mais savez-vous ce que cela signifie concrètement ? Pour les transports publics du monde entier, cette notion prend de plus en plus d'importance et devient...

At What Intersections Should You Install Accessible Pedestrian Signals?
At What Intersections Should You Install Accessible Pedestrian Signals? When you install accessible pedestrian signals, you first need to ask yourself where exactly they are needed. Are there any intersections blind and visually impaired pedestrians particularly...

Invisible Disabilities: 80% of Disabled People Are Concerned!
Invisible Disabilities: 80% of Disabled People Are Concerned! Having a disability = using a wheelchair. That’s one persisting cliché! Actually, only 2% of people with disabilities are wheelchair users but 80% have invisible disabilities! What we mean by “invisible...
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The French leading company
on the accessibility market.
For more than 25 years, we have been developing architectural access solutions for buildings and streets. Everyday, we rethink today’s cities to transform them in smart cities accessible to everyone.
By creating solutions ever more tailored to the needs of people with disabilities, we push the limits, constantly improve the urban life and make the cities more enjoyable for the growing majority.