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12 Must-Have Apps for Blind or Visually Impaired People
Thanks to a more and more innovative technology, blind or visually impaired people can use smartphones and apps that are especially designed to answer their needs.
Removing Traffic Lights vs Pedestrian Safety: a Guide to Inclusive Streets
The cities of the 21st century promote active mobility and decide to remove traffic lights. But this strongly decreases the sense of safety among the most vulnerable pedestrians such as blind or visually impaired people.
9 Tips to Welcome a Person with an Intellectual Disability
You’re facing a person with an intellectual disability and you don’t know how to exchange with them? Everybody can feel uncomfortable seeing we don’t always know how to approach a person with disabilities.
The Trailblazers of College Accessibility in the United States
Students with disabilities can face obstacles during their studies. College accessibility is key to make sure these students can succeed. What measures do colleges implement?
The Guidelines for Stadium Accessibility: Offering People with Disabilities a Good Experience
For people with disabilities, going to the stadium can prove to be a real challenge because of accessibility. What measures are implemented to welcome and guide disabled people?
How Is Airport Accessibility Progressing for People with Disabilities?
Millions of people pass through airports every year. How is accessibility deployed within airports? What measures can be implemented to enable the 61 million Americans with disabilities to safely travel?
Let’s make a quick scan of the progress of airport accessibility in the United States!