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Creating Inclusive Multisensory Signage for People with Disabilities

Accessibility will have a new face at the Olympic and Paralympic Village in Greater Paris.

Open Data Is Key to Fostering Universal Accessibility

Open data represents an opportunity for cities to reach universal accessibility. It shows the missing links of the mobility chain.

Our Audio Beacons Guide the Blind and Visually Impaired at the Helsinki Subway

The Helsinky subway improved their audio signage system by installing on demand and remotely activated audio beacons.

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Accessibility Toolkit: When Complete Streets Help People with Disabilities

Accessibility Toolkit: When Complete Streets Help People with Disabilities

After World War II, cars’ supremacy started to shape Northern American cities. It was not until the early 1970s that some states began to design the urban space with all users in mind to make transportation network safer and more efficient. This is how Complete Streets-like policy was born. So what are Complete Streets policies and above all why do they matter for disabled people?

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Olympic Games Tokyo 2020: Accessibility Equipment Update

Olympic Games Tokyo 2020: Accessibility Equipment Update

On the occasion of the Summer Olympic Games in 2020, the Japanese capital is playing host to nearly 500,000 tourists and 4,400 Paralympic athletes from August 24 to September 9, 2020. The city has already experienced the excitement related to such an event in 1964 but this time the challenge for Tokyo will be to welcome thousands of people who will flock from all over the world to attend this unique event.

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