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How to Create a Smart City for People with Physical Disabilities?
A smart city for people with physical disabilities takes into account their needs. Especially regarding their mobility.
How to Make Shared Streets Truly Shared by All?
Shared streets represent zones where different active modes of transportation mix with motor vehicles. But for people with disabilities, they may be difficult to navigate.
Blindness, Low Vision, What Are the Different Forms of Visual Disability?
There are many types of visual impairment affecting the lives of millions in the world. But accessibility solutions can make their lives easier.
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Blindness, Low Vision, What Are the Different Forms of Visual Disability?
Blindness, Low Vision, What Are the Different Forms of Visual Disability? Approximately 12 million American people are affected by a visual disability and no less than 253 million people in the world. Who are they? What are their needs? How can we facilitate...

7 Good Reasons to Install Audio Beacons at Your Public Transport Network
7 Good Reasons to Install Audio Beacons at Your Public Transport NetworkHave you heard of audio beacons? It’s probably one of the most effective solutions to help blind and visually impaired people find their way in a complex venue. In a public transport system, audio...

The Ultimate Guide to Accessible Pedestrian Signals
The Ultimate Guide to Accessible Pedestrian Signals Table of contents What are accessible pedestrian signals?Why do cities have accessible pedestrian signals?Who are APS for?How do audible traffic signals work exactly?What is pedestrian detection?Why are...

What You Need to Do to Ensure Accessibility for Deaf People at Public Venues
What You Need to Do to Ensure Accessibility for Deaf People at Public Venues Si votre établissement accueille du public, l'accessibilité aux personnes sourdes n'est pas à prendre à la légère ! Comment rendre votre établissement accessible aux personnes...
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The French leading company
on the accessibility market.
For more than 25 years, we have been developing architectural access solutions for buildings and streets. Everyday, we rethink today’s cities to transform them in smart cities accessible to everyone.
By creating solutions ever more tailored to the needs of people with disabilities, we push the limits, constantly improve the urban life and make the cities more enjoyable for the growing majority.